Trueblu Glamour Girl
Black Tortie Shorthaired
Selkirk Rex
PKD neg Parents

I fell in love with Sassie the minute Isaw her photo on the
internet. I approached lisa and after numerous conversations
and 3 months of should I, shouldn't I, Iarranged a visit and
was smitten. She has won 4 merits and is one of the
15 qualifying cats needed to progress to the next stage
in Championship recognition.

She carries chocolate and is also a colourpoint carrier
Mewsos Waltzin Matilda

Matilda is the daughter of Trueblu Lone Ranger who died suddenly at the age 14 months from a
liver infection, so she is very special.
Mewsos Goodgolly Missmolly

Baby Molly is also very special. She is the only daughter
of TICA Sup Gr.Ch Trueblu Daringpositively. Molly was originally
going out to live in Australia with Lisa but is now staying here.
Mewsos Melody Maker

Melody is Sassie's daughter
HOME KITTENS: British | Selkirk | | BRITISH: Males | Females | | SELKIRK: Males | Females |
Contact : E-Mail Tel: +(44) 01270 528258