Mewsos are proud to introduce
our new chocolate stud boy

Topmarx Arthur Pendragon

Arthur's father is Imp.Gr.Ch DJ Pink
Floyd Fietten. Arthur will be a great asset
to our breeding programme.

Thankyou Sheila for entrusting me with
this boy and for your continued friendship.

Ch. Shahbanue Guy Fawkes.
Cream self carrying lilac. Blood group B

Guy was my first stud cat. He is in the
back ground of all my cats and is
still siring big boned quality kittens.

Ch Mewsos Hey Jude
Lilac Self, Blood group B

Crybaby as he is affectionately known
does not carry colourpoint and is a
great assett in my lilac self programme
HOME KITTENS: British | Selkirk | | BRITISH: Males | Females | | SELKIRK: Males | Females |
Contact : E-Mail Tel: +(44) 01270 528258